Boosting Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone is a big issue covered on our site, and for good reasons. Low testosterone, or low T, can lead to a host of problems such as mood changes, reduced energy, and decreased sex drive. As testosterone levels fall, the male libido gets hit especially hard. This can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Body changes also occur with low T. You may suffer reduced bone density, making you more vulnerable to fractures. Lean muscle mass may decrease as while, while simultaneously retaining more body fat. Many men with low testosterone report increased breast size.

Other issues may include:

  • Hair Loss
  • Irritability
  • Poor Concentration
  • Depression
  • Memory Loss

Long story short, dwindling testosterone levels don’t lead to anything good. Fortunately, the problem can be addressed – and naturally.


Powerful Plants


Fenugreek Seeds image via Humbads


Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is slightly different than many other testosterone boosters you’ll find on the market. In addition to boosting male hormones and pumping up libidos, it also works to increase insulin release. This can help in raising muscle mass after a training session.

It also aids in digestion, reduces cholesterol, and can decrease cardiovascular risks. Surprisingly, while fenugreek works wonders in men, it can also bring high benefits to women.

Such impacts to women are said to include breast enlargement, increased breast milk production, easing and inducing child birth, and even cosmetic benefits for the skin and hair.


Tribulus Terrestris

A popular part of many muscle building supplements, tribulus has long been touted as a natural male hormone booster. It can also be found in sexual aids due to those same properties.

While a few modern studies aim to debunk this effect due to the high amount of buss generated for the supplement in today’s media, traditional medicine and additional research still support tribulus terrestris as having a positive impact on normalizing androgenic hormone levels.


Nettle image via Uwe H. Friese



Typically treated as an intrusive weed, the nettle is often highly underestimated. In fact, a quick search reveals lengthy listings of the many different health benefits achieved through consuming the beautiful botanical.

Those taking nettle supplements, most commonly found in tea form, report greater strength when hitting the gym. It has also been praised as showing benefits for prostate health.

The way stinging nettle works is often cited as its function in controlling estrogen, subsequently allowing free testosterone levels to rise.


Tongkat Ali

Found in Southeast Asia, this plant is claimed to increase sexual ability and virility. In addition to libido enhancement it can be found frequently in bodybuilding supplement to aid in the development in lean muscle mass.

Preliminary studies show that when used medicinally, tongkat ali helps men reap these benefits by supporting increased testosterone levels.


Spruce image via Wikipedi


Spruce Extract

A compound derived from the Norway Spruce, the lignan hydroxymatairesinol (HMR), is yet another highly beneficial multitasker. The most popularly reported aspect is HMR’s impact in decreasing prostate cancer risk. Multiple researchers appear to confirm this effect, as viewable through the bottom resource included at the end of this post.

The effect of HMR on testosterone levels work similarly to that of the nettle. HMR inhibits the aromatase enzyme, controlling and eliminating excess estrogen to allow an increase in androgenic hormones.


Clever Combinations

Each supplement may prove beneficial on its own, but the highest impact and most immediate results occur when properly combined in the right amounts.

As with any health supplement, be sure to consult a doctor before taking any of these products if you have any medical conditions, are on medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are simply generally unsure if it’s right for you.

It’s time again for the shameless plug!

One fantastic product that combines all these ingredients and more into a simple all natural supplement is the TestErect Testosterone Formula. Go take a look for yourself and get a breakdown of ingredients and direct view of the full nutrition label.


Simultaneous Slimming

Do you have stubborn fat you’d like to shed quickly? Or perhaps have a special someone with weight concerns of their own? While you work to get those T levels up, build lean muscle mass, and power up your libido, try Advanced Pure Garcinia for a fast and all natural fat burner.

There’s no time like the present. Check out Advanced Pure Garcinia now.





The following websites were used to gather the data outlined here: %20LONGIFOLIA.aspx?activeIngredientId=1132&activeIngredientName=EURYCOMA%20LONGIFOLIA