The Benefits for Chewing Gum

The Benefits for Chewing Gum

Chewing gum has been developed because it is the most efficient method of delivering the natural herbal ingredients into a person’s blood stream. When chewing the ingredients are released from the Arouse gum and diffuse into the blood through tissues under the tongue. This is called sublingual administration.

Have you ever wondered why nicotine gum is such a popular and successful method of quitting smoking? For just the same reasons, industry experts believe male enlargement gum will become the most popular method of male enhancement.

  • Gum is fastest way to get the ingredients into the blood.
  • Gum ingredients avoid being altered by digestive processes.
  • Gum is a discrete method with no bulky bottles to carry around.
  • Chewing gum is relaxing and tastes great!

The processes involved in sublingual administration are well known in the medical community. When the enhancement ingredient from the gum comes into contact with the mucous membrane beneath the tongue, or buccal mucosa, it diffuses through it. Due to the profusion of capillaries in the connective tissue beneath the epithelium, the ingredients then diffuse into them and enters the venous circulation. In contrast, penis pills are first swallowed before being broken down and absorbed in the intestines and are subject to “first pass metabolism” in the liver before entering the general circulation.

Sublingual administration of herbal ingredients has certain advantages over traditional oral administration. Being more direct, it is often faster, and results in more of the active ingredients reaching the blood stream. Orally administered enhancement pills must survive passage through the hostile environment of the gastrointestinal tract, which risks degrading them, either by stomach acid or bile, or by the many enzymes therein.



1. Boosts Mental Power

Chewing gum boosts brain activity in several ways. For instance, psychologists have discovered that chewing gum can help you enhance your memory. An experiment was conducted where two groups of people took the same examination. One group was given gum to chew while the other was not. Results showed that the gum-chewing group got higher test scores. This boost in memory might be linked to the chewing motion of the jaw. When you chew gum, your hippocampus becomes stimulated. The hippocampus is the part of the brain which plays a major role in memory. Aside from boosting your memory, chewing gum also encourages more blood flow to the brain. When you chew gum, your heart rate increases and more oxygen is delivered to your brain area.

2. Reduces Stress and Tension

Chewing gum can help you fight stress and anxiety. Research has shown that students who chew gum during exams tend to be more alert and focused. This is because gum helps you cope with the stress that is often associated with tests. Stress is not the only negative emotion that chewing gum can help you through. Whenever you feel irritated or frustrated, you might find that chewing gum can help you relax.

3. Contributes to Weight Loss

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, chewing gum can also prove to be beneficial for you. The next time you crave a snack or a second helping of dessert, pop a stick of gum into your mouth instead. Since gum contains very few calories per serving, it makes an ideal snack that will not ruin your diet. The act of chewing and the flavor of the gum will help you fight your cravings for other snacks that are high in calories and fats.

4. Improves Oral Health

You were probably told when you were little that sweets and candy can rot your teeth. However, chewing gum might just do the opposite. If you tend to suffer from oral health problems like bad breath or gum infection, you might want to chew some gum to relieve these symptoms. When you chew gum, your saliva production is also stimulated. If you didn’t know already, saliva is the most important factor when it comes to maintaining good oral health. Saliva has antibacterial properties and can help flush out food debris, remaining sugars and other harmful acids in your mouth. Sugar free gum has also been found to be effective in protecting the enamel of your teeth. In fact, chewing on some sugar-free gum after meals can lessen your tooth cavities.

5. Improves Digestion

You might not be aware of it but chewing gum can also improve your digestion, as long as you chew your gum after meals. Notice how you frequently swallow while chewing your gum, because of excess saliva production? This helps keep digestive acids down in your stomach.


One potential benefit of mint gum is its affect on your breath. The mint in the gum has a strong enough odor to mute the smells of common causes of bad breath, such as rotting food particles and bacteria in the mouth. Unfortunately, mint gum is only a temporary solution to bad breath.


Manages your Calories
If you are trying to lose weight, you should definitely try having chewing gums. Since it acts as a temporary food to your hunger, you are less tempted to eat. So when food you are surrounded by food which has high calories, you should grab a chewing gum as it will suppress your hunger and make you avoid eating it. It will help you fight your craving for sweets and dishes. Chewing it also expend the extra energy in the body, and hence helps in weight loss.

Improves digestion
Chewing gums improves digestion; conditionally it is chewed after having the meal. The saliva which is produced while chewing gum, keeps the acid level in the stomach maintained, and as a result, digestion is better. Chewing gums after meal also protects the teeth from decaying, and it also makes the jaws in the mouth stronger.

Stress Reliever
Chewing gums can reduce the stress. It increases the alertness in a person and decreases the anxiety and hence, results in an overall better performance. In other words, chewing gum in any exam will increase your alertness and reduce the tension you are under, which will result in better scoring in it. It also focuses the mind, which adds to the result of your success. Often when you are irritated and frustrated, it can make you less irritated and can reduce the frustration, and i will make you less annoying for others.