The Benefits of Colon Cleansing

While our bodies are built to eliminate waste fluidly and cleanse themselves of toxins, it’s not the most efficient process. Estimates suggest that up to 10 pounds of waste could be stewing at our systems at any given time, leading to bloating, fatigue, and bacterial build-up.

This can leave you feeling sluggish and keep you from looking your best. Detoxifying your body with natural supplements and an improved diet can alleviate a host of pains. Abdominal discomfort, gassiness, occasional constipation, and even water retention may be alleviated with a simple cleanse.



Psyllium image via Stan Shebs

Natural Relief

Colon cleansing doesn’t have to be an invasive or time consuming effort. There are many natural remedies, such as herbs, that will give you the results you need.



Derived from plantago plant seeds, this fiber-rich ingredient is very popular in many brand name laxatives. In addition to its strong laxative effect, psyllium has also been proven highly beneficial in lowering cholesterol.

Additional suggested benefits include:

  • Easing constipation
  • Reducing hemorrhoid symptoms
  • Lowering risks of colon cancer
  • Reducing flatulence

Numerous additional benefits have been suggested, but additional research must be conducted to confirm their validity.


Goldenseal image via Phyzome



Goldenseal was reportedly used by Native Americans to treats a broad array of conditions, such as ulcers and gonorrhea.

Today it is still being used to treat ailments including respiratory tract infections, vaginitis, and infectious diarrhea. Research is currently being conducted to study goldenseal’s cholesterol-lowering effects as well. Its ability to help fend off infections that may cause certain types of diarrhea makes this a great addition to cleansing or detox supplements.


Cascara Sagrada image via MPF


Cascara Sagrada

Sounding like something you’d hear in the halls of Hogwarts, cascara sagrada works magic indeed where bowel movements are concerned. Sorry, Moaning Myrtle.

Also historically used by Native Americans, this plant is shown to have a strong laxative effect. Contractions caused to the colon stimulate and urge bowel movements to assist your body in quickly eliminating waste.

While reigning in as one of today’s most popular laxative ingredients and a strong aid to alleviate constipation, it has also been shown to improve muscle tone of the colon walls.


Cleansing to Better Health

Many of these supplements are sold individually in tablet, capsule, powder, or tea form. Using one individually can lead to a sufficient cleansing effect, but when properly combined with the right supporting ingredients they can produce a powerful impact to your colon health.

One such option for this is a product called Advanced Pure Cleanse. This formula uses all of the above, with several additional natural powders including fennel, buckthorn, rhubarb, licorice, and ginger.

An all natural supplement such as this is always the best option when it comes to managing your health. The last thing you want to do when looking to cleanse and remove toxins is see more toxins loaded into your system.

Another great solution is Slim Cleanse Plus. You can even get a trial bottle to try out for yourself, so you can feel the effects before making deciding if you’re in for the commitment.



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