The Best Anti-Aging Superfoods

You’re growing older; skin is getting looser, wrinkles popping up left and right, and you just don’t have the energy to do all of those things you once penned on a bucket list in your youth. You have trouble keeping up with your kids and the thought of an afternoon nap sounds like paradise.

Everyone goes through it, but you really wish you could be the exception, just this once.

The woes of getting older aren’t just about your looks, but about the way you feel, and fixing that has to start from the inside. Luckily, mother nature has provided us with many hidden gems around the world that work to address the signs of aging and keep us on our feet.


We call them superfoods, and that’s just what they are!

From reducing the visual signs of aging to increasing our energy and longevity, here are a few powerful picks you can start incorporating into your diet today!




Pomegranate Seeds image via Stacy

Packed with antioxidants, pomegranate seeds packed a bigger punch than cranberries, blueberries, and red wine. Fighting against oxidation and free radicals, the antioxidants help protect your skin tissues and slow the physical signs of growing older.

And, they’re good for the heart!

Pomegranates also pack benefits for your heart and blood vessels. They speed up the process by which blockages melt away from the heart, allowing blood to flow smoothly and deter a number of cardiovascular health issues.

Studies have shown that people who regularly consumed pomegranate juice resulted in lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and saw significant reduction in artery blockages. If that’s not good enough, they have been shown to inhibit multiple types of cancer.


Goji Berries



Goji Berry image via Foodista

Now here’s something really special. Goji berries, or wolfberries, have been eaten in many Asian countries for generations by those in search of greater longevity. Boasting a bright red-orange color, goji berries are both beautiful and mysterious.

Studies still need to be repeated to confirm the full range of benefits consumers can expect, but preliminary studies show those benefits to be vast. Such are suggested to include:

  • Increased Mental Well-Being
  • Better Sleep
  • Happiness
  • Feelings of Good Health

Goji berries may also have an impact in addressing age-related eye problems. The potential perks for this popular Chinese plant go on and on.





Alfalfa image via Joshua Mayer

Alfalfa deserves more than just a quick shout out from your salad. In addition to being tasty, this plant can help increase your good cholesterol levels and fight estrogen deficiencies. This can be of great benefit to women battling their way through menopause.

This powerful plant also helps by flushing toxins.

Toxins in our bodies are processed through the liver or kidneys, being flushed out not only in the bathroom but also through our skin. As we sweat, these toxins combine with bacteria and debris across our bodies and faces.

Consuming alfalfa can work as a natural detox, helping our bodies flush out harmful compounds before they can do their damage. Alfalfa sprouts are quite easy to grow as well, making the perfect addition to a windowsill planter.


Acai Berries



Acai Berries image via Vihelik

Straight out of the Amazon Rain Forests, an area still considered packed with countless undiscovered wonders, comes the acai berry. Like pomegranates, these little berries are packed with anti-aging antioxidants.

They’ve also been praised for their energy boosting and immune system stimulating effects. Leading to increased stamina, drinking acai berry juice can help combat fatigue and get you back on your feet.

High levels of phytochemicals help slow, and can potentially begin to reverse, the many signs of aging.

You know those random wrinkles and bits of sagging skin I mentioned? That’s what I’m talking about. Acai berries boast one of the highest antioxidant densities of all the foods on our planet.

Now that is something to brag about!

These berries would be the coolest kids in school! That is, if trees had schools. I’m imagining a parrot professor… and maybe a snake superintendant. Now we’re getting off track.



Combining the Benefits

Any of these superfoods could be great on their own, but imagine packing it all in at once. Perhaps toss in a few extra enhancements, such as reishi mushrooms, cranberries, green tea, and aloe leaf. Maybe blend those all into a multivitamin, a liquid multivitamin with a great taste.

Do you like cinnamon apple? I like cinnamon apple. Let me just insert a quick shameless plug:

The VytaYouth Liquid Vitamin has all of this, just in case you were wondering where to get your hands on the good stuff. Check it out here!


If that doesn’t tickle your fancy…

You can at least start on the road to feeling more energized, less fatigued, and less bloated with a high quality detoxifying colon cleanse, such as Slim Cleanse Plus.

We’ve covered the benefits or clearing out toxins. If you’re not ready to take on a super multivitamin and enhance your overall health, you can start slowly with this great cleansing step.

You don’t want to feel bogged down and bloated when there are solutions readily available just a few clicks away, and there’s no better time to start than today. See what Slim Cleanse Plus is all about!


The following websites were used to gather the data outlined here: